06 Feb Vision Aid Overseas
Here at Eyewise we are heavily into recycling be it our rubbish or old pairs of spectacles.
Many of our patients kindly bring along to the Practice any of there obsolete pairs of spectacles or even ones that may have belonged to a relative.We parcel these up and they are then sent on to Vision Aid overseas.
They have a warehouse in Crawley where the glasses are sorted into two groups,either they are sent for the material to be recycled or sent on to be used in an overseas programme.
The group for overseas is first sent to prisons where they are graded and sorted before being sent on to be used in Vision Aids development work.The group for recycling raises funds to help support all the overseas work.
So if you have any old pairs of glasses yourself taking up space in a drawer why not bring them in so someone less fortunate could benefit from them. However be sure to leave yourself your last pair so you always have a spare.We received a large sack full of glasses last week from a patient for which we are very grateful.
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