10 Jul School Holidays
For most children there are only a few more school days left before they break up for the summer holidays.
Those six weeks always seem like a long time stretching ahead but it is amazing how quickly it goes by. Once a holiday or days out have been taken and catching up with friends and family there is always the last minute rush to get school uniforms, new shoes and haircuts etc.
However don’t forget how important it is to make sure that your child has their regular eye examination . Ideally a child should have their first eye test before they even start school and this will help ensure that they don’t have any problems when it comes to reading and .writing.
Studies have shown that one in five children have an undetected eye problem which can affect their ability to concentrate but sometimes this can mistaken for learning difficulties.
Poor vision can also affect other aspects of a child’s life such as socialising, reading or simply just watching television. If you notice they are squinting or looking too closely at a book or computer screen then that should tell you that they need to have their eyes tested.
So before September and Autumn arrive together remember to make time in the next six weeks or so to book your child’s eye appointment .
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