16 Apr Latest News
Harsh and Lesley had a very successful trip to Optrafair at the weekend , meeting up with colleagues and looking at all the latest frames and technology.
We have some new frame ranges coming in over the next few weeks.We will be carrying the Storm range which will be new to us and would be very appealing to our young trendy patients. Also there will be Oasis, which is a well known brand of a high street fashion chain and obviously one for the ladies.For the gents in particular we will have another new range called Reykjik Eyes .These frames are very light but also very strong and they have a great stylish look.
We have not forgotten the children and have a new collection of Star Wars frames coming in and also lots of new sunglasses.
Also we have brought lots of new accessories that we sell in the practice including new spectacle cases ,fancy chains and cleaning cloths.
So pop in if you are passing and come and view all our new ranges.
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