A Schoolvision Assessment will often get to the bottom of the causes of reading and learning challenges.

A Schoolvision Assessment will often get to the bottom of the causes of reading and learning challenges.

When children start a new school year, often they take some time to get used to the increased effort in their learning. Increased reading and writing tasks will impose a greater effort from the eyes, often resulting in poor attention span. It is not uncommon to come across a child with symptoms such as:
• Blinking
• Screwing up eyes
• Blurry vision
• Eyes hurting
• Tiredness by afternoon
A simple eye test, which takes about 20-30 minutes for a child, will often reveal if there is an underlying cause to these symptoms, and what’s good about this is that it is fully funded by the NHS! Occasionally the test will reveal a need for glasses correction, and again here, there is funding provided by the NHS, to help with the costs.
Sometimes there is a deeper issue, especially with the working together of the eyes (we call it Binocular Instability), at Eyewise, our extended Schoolvision Assessment will often get to the bottom of the causes of reading and learning challenges.
If there is doubt about the welfare of the child’s eyes, my advice is always to get the child booked in for a test. We test children from the age of three upwards, and it’s not a problem if the child does not know their letters- we can work around this! We like to think we can make the whole eye test experience for a child as relaxed and fun as possible, sowing positive seeds for future visits to Opticians!
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